Scatterplot (Correlation)
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This tool starts out empty until you have added values to both "Correlation Variable 1" and "Correlation Variable 2"
Correlating between:
One or more OTUs or taxonomic groups
Alpha diversity
Quantitative metadata
Gene expression (if available)
The taxonomic level to aggregate the OTUs at. The OTUs will be grouped together (by summing the OTU values) at the selected taxonomic level before the analysis is applied.
The quantitative variable to display on the x-axis. If you chose "OTU or Taxonomic Group Abundance", make sure to enter at least one value in the field immediately below.
The quantitative variable to display on the y-axis. If you chose "OTU or Taxonomic Group Abundance", make sure to enter at least one value in the field immediately below.
Choose a categorical variable to color the points.
For instance, you might want to correlate the Streptococcus genus against TLR8 expression, but also highlight the disease sample group.
Choose a quantitative variable to resize the points by. This allows you to add a third quantitative variable to explore with.
Determines which sample types should be displayed in the correlation graph
All samples: Displays all samples
Non-zero value samples: Displays only samples that have a non-zero value for the selected taxonomic group(s) or OTU(s)
Zero value samples: Displays only samples that have a zero value for the selected taxonomic group(s) or OTU(s)
Hover over each point to determine its sample ID and specific variable values.
Zoom or pan
Save Snapshot: Save the visualization to the experiment notebook
Download: Downloads the visualization as a PNG file
Share: Creates a shareable link that allows you to share the visualization with others