Heatmap (Composition)
Used For
Viewing the pair-wise correlations between all OTUs or taxonomic groups and samples
Visualization Parameters
Taxonomic Level
The taxonomic level to aggregate the OTUs at. The OTUs will be grouped together (by summing the OTU values) at the selected taxonomic level before the analysis is applied.
Column Variable
The quantitative variable to display on the columns:
Taxonomic Group or OTU
Sample ID
Row Variable
The quantitative variable to display on the rows:
Taxonomic Group or OTU
Sample ID
Categorical Variable
Create comparative sample groups based on categorical variables uploaded in the metadata file.
Optionally create a categorical variable from a quantitative variable by using the Quantile Range feature on the Projects home page.
The samples are automatically rearranged into the respective sample groups. Each sample group is identified by a colored label.
Show Labels
Hiding labels makes the heatmap smaller, useful for large heatmaps.
Show All Labels Show the labels on both the rows and columns
Show X-Axis Labels Only Labels only appear on the columns
Show Y-Axis Labels Only Labels only appear on the rows
Hide Labels No labels will appear
Cluster Taxonomic Groups/OTU By
Determines whether the taxonomic group/OTU rows/columns should be clustered by by the OTU count or not.
Color Scheme
Choose the specific color scheme of the heatmap
Interactive Elements
Hover over each cell to determine its row and column label and its specific correlation value.
Additional Features
Save Snapshot: Save the visualization to the experiment notebook
Download: Downloads the visualization as a PNG file
Share: Creates a shareable link that allows you to share the visualization with others
Last updated