Mian Overview
OTU table visualization, data analysis, and machine learning
What is Mian?
Mian is an open-source web-platform that enables data exploration and analysis of OTU or ASV data with respect to gene expression, categorical and numerical metadata (eg. immunohistological data, experimental conditions), and taxonomic structure.
Mian gives researchers access to interactive data visualizations, machine learning models and feature selection tools, and automated statistical assessments. No code required.
What's Unique About Mian?
Apply linear regression or a deep-neural network on your data without any additional setup
Automatically find important genes or histological features
Track your work over time with experiment notebooks
Bucket quantitative measures to access categorical tools (eg. define thresholds to categorize different severities of a disease)
Filter by specific taxonomic groups, OTUs, or sample groups
Interactive Visualizations
Common features include detail highlights, tuneable settings, filters, notebook snapshots, and downloadable images.
Create boxplots of specific OTUs or taxonomic groups against categorical variables
Apply color according to a second categorical variable
Automated parametric/non-parametric statistical tests
Barplots or Donut Charts
Examine OTU composition at different taxonomic levels or categorical variables
Plot OTU composition, gene expression, alpha diversity, or aggregate counts against each other
Color by categorical variables or resize points by quantitative variables
Explore correlations of OTU counts or quantitative variables
Visualize composition of taxonomic groups across samples
Correlation Network
Cluster correlated samples and color by categorical variables
Rarefaction Curves
Subsampling depths at varying sample sizes
Taxonomic Trees
Compare OTU counts on a taxonomic tree across different categorical variables
Alpha and Beta Diversity
Explore different microbial diversity measures using boxplots, scatterplots, and NMDS/PCoA plots.
Alpha Diversity
Compare species diversity measures on a boxplot or scatterplot across sample groups
Available measures include: Shannon, Simpson, Faith's Phylogenetic Diversity
Beta Diversity
Compare differences of diversity between different sample groups using a boxplot
Available measures include: Bray-Curtis, Jaccard, Sorenson, Whittaker, Weighted/Unweighted Unifrac
NMDS plot
Visualize beta diversity using a non-metric multidimensional scaling plot on different sample groups
PCoA plot
2D or 3D principal component analysis using different distance measures and categorical variables
Feature Selection
Automatically find OTUs, taxonomic groups, or metadata that can either correlate well together, or were determined to be important due to a statistical test.
Boruta (Random Forest) Classification
Find the OTUs or taxonomic groups that differentiate sample groups according to a Random Forest using the Boruta feature selection algorithm
Elastic Net Classification and Regression
Use varying regularization in Elastic Net to find OTUs or taxonomic groups that differentiate between sample groups
Assess important of selected features using a machine learning model
Fisher Exact Test
Apply a presence-absence test on OTUs or taxonomic groups across different sample groups
Differential Selection
Look for OTUs or taxonomic groups that differentiate between two sample groups according to a statistical test and corresponding FDR-corrected q-value
Correlation Selection
Look for genes, OTUs or taxonomic groups, or quantitative metadata that correlate with another gene , OTU or taxonomic group, quantitative metadata, or alpha diversity according to a statistical test and corresponding FDR-corrected q-value
Machine Learning
Assess the ability of your dataset to generalize using a machine learning model by creating a classifier or regressor on a training dataset and evaluating on a test dataset.
Linear Regressor and Classifier
Choose an experimental variable to train and test the ability of your linear model (with regularization) to predict the variable
Random Forest Classifier
Choose an categorical variable to train and test the ability of a random forest model to predict the variable
Deep Learning
Design a deep neural network with dropout to assess the ability of the model to predict a chosen variable
Libraries Used
Mian is built using HTML/CSS/JavaScript for the front-end and Python and R for the back-end.
Bootstrap 3: CSS styling
jQuery: Front-end dynamic website interaction handling
Flask: Python-based back-end server
flask-login: Enables login capabilities for the Mian website
biom-format: Allows processing of user-uploaded standard biological matrix format (BIOM)
h5py: Allows processing of HDF5 formatted files
rpy2: Interface between Python and R code
scikit-learn: Machine learning algorithms implemented in Python
scipy: Python library used for scientific processing
werkzeug: WSGI application for Python
scikit-bio: Python library used for bioinformatics
pandas: Provides high-performance data structure and matrix manipulation
vegan: R library for community ecology analysis
RColorBrewer: Color maps for R
ranger: Fast random forest implementation
Boruta: All-relevant feature selection algorithm
glmnet: Lasso and elastic-net regularized linear models
Mian is currently described in a pre-print paper in bioRxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/09/14/416073
Mian is built at the University of British Columbia and supported by the Providence Health Care Research Institute and Centre for Heart Lung Innovation at St. Paul's Hospital
Last updated
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